Böcker 2012
Atwood, Margaret - The Penelopiad **
Auster, Paul - Timbuktu ****
Auster, Paul - Sunset parl ****
Auster. Paul - Dårskaper i Brooklyn ****
Aycliffe, Jonathan - The Matrix (BBC radio) ***
Barnes, Julian - The sense of an ending *****
Beck, Renee - The art of ritual
Berry, Kit - Magus of Stonewylde *
Bolaño, Roberto - De vilda detektiverna ****
Bolaño, Roberto - Amulett ***
Bray, Libba - Ögat över månskäran **
Budapest, Zsuzsanna - The holy book of women's mysteries **
Butcher, Jim - Storm front
Butcher, Jim - Fool moon
Butcher, Jim - Grave peril
Calvino, Italo - If on a winter's night a traveler
Carriger, Gail - Soulless
Cave, Nick - The death of Bunny Munro
Cooper, Artemis - Patrick Leigh Fermor: An adventure
Cori, Jasmin-Lee - Tarot of Transformation
Coupland, Douglas - Player one
Coupland, Douglas - Generation A
Cowles, Lynda - The tarot playbook
D'este, Sorita - Visions of the Cailleach
Davidson, Julie - Looking for Mrs Livingstone (BBC radio)
DeLillo, Don - Point Omega *
Diaz, Junot - This is how you lose her ****
Didion, Joan - The year of magical thinking *****
Douglas, Alfred - The tarot
DuQuette, Lon Milo - Low magick
Eco, Umberto - Foucault's pendulum ****
Esquivel, Laura - Like water for chocolate
Flynn, Gillian - Dark places
Foer, Jonathan Safran - Eating animals
Forsyth, Mark - The horologicon
Fortune, Dion - The mystical Qabalah
French, Tana - In the woods *****
Freud, Esther - Hideous kinky
Ganther, Eric - The cosmic tribe tarot
Hale, Janden - Legion of Liberty *
Hustvedt, Siri - The summer without men ****
Jennings, Ken - Maphead
Katz, Marcus - Tarosophy
Katz, Marcus - Around the tarot in 78 days
Kelly, Erin - The poison tree
King, Stephen - The stand
King, Stephen - The Dark Tower (hela serien)
King, Stephen - On writing
Kundargi, Sushela - Tarot toolbook
Lovecraft, H. P - The call of Cthulhu
Lowry, Lois - The giver
Lowry, Lois - The messenger
Lowry, Lois - Gathering blue
Lynch, Scott - The lies of Locke Lamora
Mahony, Karen - The tarot of Prague
Marchetta, Melina - Jellicoe road
McGrath, MJ - White heat
Miéville, China - Perdido street station
Miéville, China - The Scar
Miéville, China - Un Lun Dun
Miéville, China - The city & the city
Miéville, China - Kraken
Miéville, China - The rope is the world
Miéville, China - London's overthrow
Mitchell, David - Cloud Atlas
Moore, Alan - Promethea
Moore, Alison - The lighthouse
Morgenstern, Erin - The night circus
Moss, Robert - Active dreaming
Murakami, Haruki - Sought of the border, west of the sun
Murakami, Haruki - What I talk about when I talk about running
Murakami, Haruki - Sputnik sweetheart
Murakami, Haruki -Fågeln som vrider upp världen
Murakami, Haruki -The elephant vanishes
Murakami, Haruki -Norwegian wood
Naylor, Hattie - Little grudges (BBC radio)
Ness, Patrick - The new world
Oates, Joyce Carol - En fager mö
Ogawa, Yoko - The housekeeper and the professor **
Parikh, Kristin Jonell - AUM tarot
Pessl, Marisha - Fördjupade studier i katastroffysik *
Pike, Aprilynne - Wings *
Pratchett, Terry - Equal rites
Pratchett, Terry - Mort
Pratchett, Terry - The light fantastic
Purcell, Jane - The righteous sisters
Rachman, Tom - De imperfekta ****
Reichl, Ruth - Tender at the bone
Sampsell, Kevin - A common pornography
Sankovitch, Nina - Tolstoy and the purple chair ****
Sedaris, David - Squirrel seeks chipmunk ***
Sedaris, David - Me talk pretty one day ****
Sharman-Burke, Juliet - Mythic tarot
Steinbach, Sylvie - The secrets of the Lenormand oracle
Stewart, Amy - Wicked plants
Strandberg, Mats - Cirkeln
Suzuki, Koji - The ring
Tabucchi, Antonio - Tiden åldras fort
Trobe, Kala - Magic of the Qabalah
Tyson, Donald - Portable magic
Urnash, Egypt - Silicon dawn tarot
Valente, Catherynne - The girl who circumnavigated fairyland... ***
Valente, Catherynne - Silently and very fast *****
Wallace, Kelly - Intuitive tarot **
Walls, Jeannette - The glass castle *****
White, Ganga - Yoga beyond belief ***
Wiesel, Elie - Night ****
Windling, Terri - The wood wife ****
Winterson, Jeanette - Why be happy when you could be normal *****
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